This American Life
Three months after the earthquake in Port-au-Prince in 2010, I returned to the north of Haiti to cover rebuilding efforts for the International Public Radio program This American Life. I was amazed at the courage of the Haitian people in the face of overwhelming odds. After a week in Limbé and Gonaïves, I returned home with 65 hours of tape, which the masterful Ira Glass, Julie Snyder, and Sarah Koenig helped whittle down to 13 minutes of air time.
Boise Voices Oral History
In 2009, I collaborated with students and elders who had grown up in the Boise neighborhood in N/NE Portland, as well as photographer Julie Keefe, Portland’s first Creative Laureate, and Erin Yanke of KBOO, to help record stories of how a neighborhood in the midst of gentrification had changed over time: from horse-drawn buggies and Depression-era dance halls, to red-lining, to visionary community organizers that took on City Hall and revitalized their neighborhood.