
This American Life

Three months after the earthquake in Port-au-Prince in 2010, I returned to the north of Haiti to cover rebuilding efforts for the International Public Radio program This American Life. I was amazed at the courage of the Haitian people in the face of overwhelming odds. After a week in Limbé and Gonaïves, I returned home with 65 hours of tape, which the masterful Ira Glass, Julie Snyder, and Sarah Koenig helped whittle down to 13 minutes of air time.

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Boise Voices Oral History

In 2009, I collaborated with students and elders who had grown up in the Boise neighborhood in N/NE Portland, as well as photographer Julie Keefe, Portland’s first Creative Laureate, and Erin Yanke of KBOO, to help record stories of how a neighborhood in the midst of gentrification had changed over time: from horse-drawn buggies and Depression-era dance halls, to red-lining, to visionary community organizers that took on City Hall and revitalized their neighborhood.